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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Create Your Own Super Hero

With the six-episode reality television show Who Wants to be a Superhero airing this summer, there's bound to be renewed interest in super beings. Here's an online tool you can use to design your very own Spidey or Wolverine. Hero Machine, from UnderGroundOnline, is a slick little applet that lets you create a superhero from the ground up.

You can choose gender and body type, then select among a wide range of facial features, clothing elements, extra appendages and armament. Once you've designed your hero (or villain), you can colourize him/her, choosing both outline and fill colour from the palette provided. You can see my fierce defender of freedom, nicknamed Randomella, in this post's illustration.

Once you've created your superhero, you can share him/her with others or discuss the finer points of gaming in the UGO forums. Or use your new superhero as an avatar in those online blog directories that require a visual!

For more about super heroes, see this wikipedia article.


Anonymous said...

Thank you..

I have managed to 'waste' an entire afternoon on this one while I am suppose to be writing content, tagging old posts and bringing a second blog I needed to transfer up to date after the transfer.

Ah heck.. It's Sunday Afternoon. I guess I should have some fun in my life.

{Thanks for that link. It's a blast for an old Comic book addict like me.}

Pam said...

I know what you mean. These digital entertainments are addictive. My latest is Ultra Fractal.

Anonymous said...

ive done 17 heros/villans